Morė '17

“Marzanna (in Polish), Марена (in Russian), Morė (in Lithuanian), Morana (in Czech, Bulgarian, Slovene, Serbian, Bosnian, and Croatian), or Morena (in Slovak and Macedonian), Maslenitsa (in Russia) and also Mara (in Belarusian and Ukrainian), Maržena, Moréna, Mora or Marmora is a Baltic and Slavic goddess associated with seasonal rites based on the idea of death and rebirth of nature. She is an ancient goddess associated with winter’s death and rebirth and dreams. In Slavic rites, the death of the Goddess Marzanna at the end winter becomes the rebirth of Spring of the Goddess Kostroma (Russian), Lada, Vesna representing the coming of Spring”
Source – Wikipedia
Event / Užgavėnės
Where / Klaipeda, Lithuania
Date / February 2017
Rita Šukienė
Klaipėdos etnokultūros centras
_Atelier Host
_Support by
Height / 5 m
Width / 4 m
Depth / 4 m
_Original idea
Jordi NN
Mantvydas Vilys
Upycling materials
Krikraga community
Resonanzas youth club
Moteijus Vilys